my favourite films!!

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the daniels :: surrealist comedy-drama

it's silly!! daniel radcliffe plays a corpse turned human jetski powered by farts, and don't act like you're too good for that!! the daniels do absurdist comedies so well and this movie pokes right into the question of "who are we when alone with our thoughts on an island" in a way that feels new. subverts the notion of 'low brow' humour into something deeper and the soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous. if anything the ending is a little rushed but even then i think it still works.

spoilers below!! :
i've also seen everything everywhere all at once, and as much as i loved it i feel swiss army man still struck a chord in me that EEAAO couldn't do. swiss army man is so deeply personal and can be a metaphor for anything if you put your mind to it, and the idea that hank is reanimating a part of himself through manny and personifying his regrets and pains to make amends with them really stuck with me. mental health is a clear theme throughout alongside coping with nihilism and the absurdism of humanity, and it's handled in such an easy to digest but oddly sentimental, human way that really stuck with me. the daniels are adept at working with these tropes/themes, but i really feel like swiss army man just did it for me. you can read each individual interaction between manny and hank in any way you like, but i think it just happened to hit home for me out of coincidence (the scene where they kissed underwater was wild man i was sobbing)

tl:dr; go into this film blind. seriously. this movie's ridiculous and funny and oddly emotional and it made me laugh and cry like no other film. paul dano has a manky croc on his left foot. the day i can share this film with someone is the day i am truly loved.

"If my best friend keeps his farts from me, what else is he hiding from me, and why does that thought make me feel so alone?"

my rating system!!

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i hate rating art with arbitrary numerical systems!!! graaahhh!!
okay.... so i do have a letterboxd but i hate rating movies with numbers/stars. i rate on vibes only lol

just cause i've given a movie 5 stars doesn't mean i think it's better than one i've rated 1 star - these are just my current favourites and are in order of how often i think about them <3